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The Devil's Science


Excerpts Page 2

Man: It seemed like you were not interested in the fine meal I had gone through so much trouble to create for you, so I thought we could relax in here and talk. I am sure you have some questions.

Me: Okay, I will go along with this dream. Seems pretty cool. A mansion, I’m dressed in an awesome power suit. You’re a good-looking young man to talk with. What the hell.

Man: Interesting choice of wording. Of course, that is one of the reasons I picked you. You’re no dummy. No genius either, but your ability to think in the abstract is well above average.

Me: Well, thank you. Can I ask your name?

Man: Not at all, Thomas. I’m the devil, Satan, but you can call me Luke. Since we will be working together, that seems less formal.


Excerpt C:

When I walked in, Justin and two of his coworker buddies were all fixated on the TV screen, all their eyes wide open and totally connected. They did not even hear me walk in or notice me standing there. The only one who did was my precious little Toby, who always greeted me. He was going blind, but his other senses were super strong as he stood up and put his front paws on me. I picked him up and sat down in my chair.

I looked back at Justin and his crew, which were like zombies. I just shook my head and looked at the screen to try to figure out what was so compelling. Just then the power went out. One of Justin’s work buddies jumped up in a major panic and said, “Come on, guys, I’m going home. I want to be with my family.” They all got up and said good-bye to Justin and left in a huge hurry. What the hell! Must have blown a fuse! Justin looked at me with a very blank look.



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